Commercial management, design and printing parameters

You can easily build models in multiple languages and multiple presentation
Any template can be assigned to each business document.
1- Select your document by clicking on a template from the list.
2 - Customize the document selected on the right side of the form.
Page 1: Left cartridge
You have the choice between a text type or an image type logo
After entering the presentation text of your company,
Select with the mouse the part of the text that you want to highlight.
This action will automatically appear a formatting window.
Picture Logo
Click on the "File" icon to open an image selection window.
The selected image is copied into the "im" folder of the application. and is displayed in the area provided for this purpose.
To avoid saturating your printer's memory, avoid choosing a very high definition image.
Do not forget to check the type of presentation you want (Image, Text or none)
D'ont forget to check the logo type selection area

Right Cartridge Tab
you can make this part of your document visible or invisible by activating, or not, the "Visible" line
Title block text.
Free text, please do not insert too many lines that would not match the height you set for that area.
You can highlight any word or phrase in the text to change its formatting.
The formatting mode is identical to that described in the paragraph concerning "Text type logo"
D'ont forget to activate, if needed, the chekbox "Frame visible"
TAB 3 : Address and footer text

Tab 3 : Adresse / footer
Contact address
Position the address of your contact by entering the most suitable position
You can have a frame around the address by checking "Visible frame"
Footer text
This text is found on all pages, whatever their number
Given the little space allocated to this area, a maximum of 3 lines seems possible
(depends on the size of your carartère font)
This area will only be visible if you click on the "Visible" button.
This field is specific to each commercial document and it is automatically reported then you create a new document
Data display selection

Some business documents do not have the same values.
Check or uncheck the lines you want to see on the business document
Ex: The delivery note
(4) Only the description and quantities must be mentioned in the lines of the document : "Hide sum" -> check
(5) The notes field mus be visible ex ; you can insert a spécial mention like "Stamp and signature of the receptionist."
(6) The VAT recapitulation zone must not appear -> no checked
(7). The total amounts must be invisible : "Area 7 visible" -> no check